Friday, 21 January 2011

Preliminary Task - College Magazine Cover and Contents Page

This is my cover and contents page for a college magazine. I think they worked quite well, but there are some improvements I would have made that I will go over in my evaluation.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Preliminary Task - Contents Page Mock Up

Here is the mock up for my contents page that I sketched out. This helped me to plan out what I want my contents page to look like and what sort of photos I will need to take for it.

Preliminary Task - Front Cover Mock Up

Here is my front cover mock up that I sketched out to plan out how I want my front cover to look.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Preliminary Task - Research on Contents Pages of College Magazines

I have also done some research on some existing college magazine contents pages to see how they stick to magazine codes and conventions, appeal to their audience and to take inspiration from them for my own contents page.
College Magazine Contents Page Research

Preliminary Task - Research on Front Covers of College Magazines

I have done some research on some existing college magazine front covers to see how they stick to magazine codes and conventions, appeal to their audience and to take inspiration from them for my own front cover.
College Magazine Covers Research